
14 January, 2014

Basketball For Charity??? Hmm...

Are you a charitable person?

It's the feeling after giving or sharing a part of yourself, whether it be money or friendly advice or your physical strength, that is the most rewarding of all reasons why you have to lend a helping hand to those in need.

But have you thought that playing basketball can be a charitable deed?

Now, let's try to make things simple...

UNTV37, tagged as the "Public Service Channel", has organized what they call UNTV Cup, which is now on its 2nd season. It is currently the only charity basketball league in the Philippines.

Isn't it a very, VERY cool idea that the Filipino people's favorite game can be used to extend help for those in great need?

This is truly a one-of-a-kind concept. Various government offices or departments form their own teams and choose a charitable institution which they want to sponsor. The overall champion will then give the grand prize to their chosen foundation.

Any charitable idea, or better say "breakthrough", you can think of right now? Please share your experiences and insights in the comments section below.

The above post is brought to you by Jezreel Magbanua, who enjoys helping people MAKING things SIMPLE. Click here to get to know Jezreel Magbanua better. Thanks and GOD bless!!!

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