They are becoming more prevalent these days. Many network marketing groups are legitimate but frauds are also appearing in various settings. The potential returns is said to be almost limitless.
I've been to more than 5 networking companies, and 1 is a big scam. I also only earned good income from 1 of them, and that income came from sales only. Recruitment is definitely not part of my talent. Right now, I'm still active on 3 genuine companies.
The hype got me into curiosity because I'm definitely a risk taker. I realized that what I did was pure gambling. The potential returns attracted me to bet.
Now, let's try to make things simple...
This video shows a funny exaggeration but a good "re-enactment" of what actually happens when someone blindly joins a networking group.
For us to not be a victim of these "registered syndicates" and become gamblers unknowingly, always keep these things in mind:
1. Always do your assignment first: research the company and gather all the details like years in operation and profile of the owners. New companies with very few members and inexperienced managers are most likely to go vanishing in the next few weeks.
2. If the products are something not of your interest, don't even make the first step in joining. You might won't be able to handle the negativities along the way.
3. If the presentations and members you are talking with are only using pure hype, go out of Business Opportunity Meeting (BOM) immediately. They are trained hypnotizers, I'm telling you.
4. Compare one company's product with another of the same core business, especially with health and wellness groups which are becoming popular these days. Most of them have same scripts, so beware.
5. If the company promises returns of more than 40% in a month's time, you should be more cautious! Stock market can't even provide such amount in such a short time. That's the reason why High Yield Instant Pay (HYIP) schemes are classified as high risk. 60% monthly returns are just a normal profit for them.
Don't waste your hard-earned money just like that. And don't forget to use your head in any venture you want to take.
Were you also a victim of these money-making frauds? Please share your experiences and insights in the comments section below.
Were you also a victim of these money-making frauds? Please share your experiences and insights in the comments section below.
The above post is brought to you by Jezreel Magbanua, who loves helping people MAKING things SIMPLE. Click here to get to know Jezreel Magbanua better. Thanks and GOD bless!!!
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