
16 July, 2013

The Secret of Dieting & Food Fasting

Do you recognize this feeling?

Hands are shaking.

Always staring on the clock.

Vision starts to become cloudy.

Hearing fades.

Chills like fever.

The surroundings is starting to consume your being. And it's your tummy crying for help.

I have experienced it so many times. 

Dieting, skipping meals, working lunch, getting caught in heavy traffic during dinner time, fasting: anyone who doesn't dread it?

Now, let's try to make things simple...

Sleepiness passes by. So is hunger. This I first learned also from Bro. EliEven the lust of the flesh can come to pass. Just try to ignore it (easy to say, though ^_^ ). Think of it as hunger. Both are urges that are part of human nature, which is definitely NOT beyond our control.

Pain of that urge to eat is just temporary and lasts short. The next few days, you won't feel it much. That's the secret of dieting and fasting.

Although it may be a daunting task to do a 40-day fast (like what they do in Biblical times) in our times, it's still possible. The reason for that difficulty is the pollution and stress surrounding us, unlike doing it high up in the mountains.

It is not true that stomach ulcers is an effect of frequently skipping meals. Rather, it is caused by an acidic digestive system. The cure for this is by eating cabbage or drinking cabbage juice. Prevention is by consuming alkaline foods, especially raw fruits and veggies, and avoiding much cooked food. Cooking makes your food acidic.

Fight hunger

You'll reap the benefits after that fasting. Your digestive tract muscles get rest, and your body will have more energy to cleanse itself and do maintenance. The energy you use for digestion is used by your body for other functions. So fasting is also a form of cleansing, especially, water fasting, wherein you only take water for some time, no food at all, not even candies or gums.

The main reason your belly bulges or sags out is because of overwork. Give it time to relax, and you'll see your abs coming out the closet, a smaller waistline and your navel hiding in. Doing core exercises ALONE won't really do the trick, even how hard you do crunches and sit ups. Even your tummy wants to rest.

So the next time you try to fast, don't be terrified as you start to feel getting sick. Just keep yourself busy so you won't mind it. And if you see that you really cannot take the pain, take some water; that is, do water fasting. 

The health effects are priceless. Cleaner system, and a sexier you.

Are you willing to start fasting or dieting from now on? Please share your experiences and insights in the comments section below.

The above post is brought to you by Jezreel Magbanua, who loves helping people MAKING things SIMPLE. Click here to get to know Jezreel Magbanua better. Thanks and GOD bless!!!

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