
06 February, 2013

Dictionary In a Click

Do you always encounter peculiar or unknown words while surfing the internet?

If you're like me, I'm not so fluent with the English language. So I always need to have a dictionary, either the usual thick book by Mr. Webster or through my mobile phone, beside me every time I'm searching for various things online. 

Now, let's try to make things simple...

Why not try using Google Dictionary? Just a double-click is enough to give you the definitions of the word you want to understand. So easy! Your reference is right before your eyes, in your desktop!

This can also be a replacement for your heavy hardbound, and an online translator, too. You can download the app here.

How do you increase your vocabulary? Do you think this app will be of great help? Please share your experiences and insights in the comments section below.

The above post is brought to you by Jezreel Magbanua, who loves helping people MAKING things SIMPLE. Click here to get to know Jezreel Magbanua better. Thanks and GOD bless!!!

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